…great relationship with local lawyers and worked well together to successfully manage the claims in the local courts…
Client's Feedback
…great relationship with local lawyers and worked well together to successfully manage the claims in the local courts…
…excellent project counsel – provided strategic legal advice and managed the claims procedure with the project team to ensure our position was robust throughout the project…
…worked very well in our project offices for several months with the team to terminate a difficult subcontractor…
…understood the project’s structure and our commercial commitments quickly…
…an incredibly thorough analysis of the main contact and the material facts led to the initial advice identifying that we had a robust claim which we successfully pursued…
…very responsive and performed above and beyond our initial expectations…
…worked very well with the Project Delivery Team throughout the whole project – the hard worked paid off as we agreed a beneficial final account…
…worked closely with the technical expert to produce an outstanding technical report in plain English which identified the key technical issues and rebutted the other party’s position…
…outstanding final report/advice…identified our needs quickly and formulated a plan to engage the project’s stakeholders and meet our key objectives…
…provided exceptional legal research and strategic legal advice…
…very good industry knowledge and construction and engineering law skills which helped deliver our project…
…a great ability to understand both the complex engineering issues and the complex legal issues relating to our project…