
We provide comprehensive specialist construction and engineering legal services from a project’s inception to completion and beyond in the Healthcare Sector:

PFI New Hospital Project, UK

Providing the International Main Contractor with specialist construction and engineering legal advice in relation to the New Hospitals PFI Project, with a 40-year concession, for 1200 beds in the UK (USD 750 m). Drafting a suite of subcontracts, reflecting the Main Contract, and reallocating the appropriate risk to the specialist subcontractors.

  • Client: International Main Contractor
  • Value: USD 750 m
  • Location: UK
  • Sector: Healthcare
  • Service: Contract Documents
Hospital Project, Qatar

Working as the OPC for the principal MEP Subcontractor on a “high end” hospital complex, including 400 beds and a medical education/research centre with a cost of approximately USD 9 billion in Qatar. Protecting the Client’s position in relation to its potential claims regarding the allocation and assumption of design risk, variations, delay and termination valued at approximately USD 210 m.

  • Client: Principal MEP Subcontractor
  • Value: USD 210 m
  • Location: Qatar
  • Sector: Healthcare
  • Service: Outsourced Project Counsel
Hospital Project, Qatar

Acting for an International Main Contractor, as its OPC, in relation to a Hospital project in the Middle East. Providing specialist construction and engineering legal advice throughout the project’s lifecycle in relation to a number of issues including avoiding potential disputes (USD 12 m) for the design and construction of the underground car park – the key issues comprising: “water ingress” (membrane); “car park management system” and “cracks” in the concrete.

  • Client: International Main Contractor
  • Value: USD 12 m
  • Location: Qatar
  • Sector: Healthcare
  • Service: Outsourced Project Counsel

Please Contact Us:

UK: +44 (0) 7938 948 131
Qatar: +974 5559 3797

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